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Calculation of required volume flow (filter fans)

In enclosures and cabinets with highly efficient and sensitive electronic components heat can also become a problem, especially with increasing packing density. Furthermore there is a risk that the service life of components, e.g. semi-conductors, might be reduced when the maximum operational temperature is exceeded. By using filter fans the generated heat in enclosures can effectively be eliminated and thus ensure trouble-free operation of electronic components.

Use the following calculation to correctly assess the required filter fan performance. Please contact us by e-mail or phone if you need assistance.

1. Temperature differential

Variations in temperature (e.g. day-night, summer-winter, climate zones) have to be taken into account. Please enter the maximum temperature differential or determine the temperature differential in the enclosure based on the desired interior temperature (Ti) and the expected ambient temperature (Tu):

Maximum ambient temperature °C
Desired interior temperature °C
Temperature differential K
2. Installed stray power

The electrical load installed in enclosures (e.g. transformers, relays, semi-conductors, bus bars, etc.) generate heat when in operation. This self-warming is described as stray power, power loss or dissipation.

Installed stray power W
3. Air constant

The air constant f is determined by the altitude (above sea level) at the place of installation. It factors in decreasing barometric pressure and air density with increasing altitude.

Altitude (above sea level) in meters

Air constant m3K/Wh
4. Calculation
Required volume flow m3/h