around STEGO
Learn more about products and relevant industry developments in the field of Thermal Management. Genuine entrepreneurship goes beyond pure economic motivation. STEGO engages in a variety of social and sponsorship activities.
EPREL energy labels for lighting products

Up to now, we have been familiar with the EU energy label mainly from end appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, etc. With the " Regulation on energy labelling for light sources (EU) 2019/2015", mandatory labelling for lamps and luminaires will come into force with effect from 1st September 2021. Lighting products are defined as follows:
"A luminaire is a complete lighting apparatus that distributes, filters or transforms light from one or more lamps. A luminaire also contains parts for holding and protecting the lamps. There are different types of luminaires such as floor, table, wall, pendant and ceiling luminaires as well as chandeliers and spotlights." [ Source: LIGHTING | EU COMMISSION (EUROPA.EU) ]
In addition, there are eco-design requirements for luminaires in terms of energy efficiency and other factors such as lifetime and start-up time, which are regulated in so-called eco-design regulations. As of 1st September 2021, the existing provisions of "Regulations (EC) No 244/2009"' '(EC) No 245/2009" and "(EU) No 1194/2012" will be repealed and replaced by "Regulation for eco-design requirements for light sources and separate control gears (EU) 2019/2020".
The aim of these measures of the European Commission is to save electricity and subsequently to reduce CO2 emissions.
On the right you will find an example of an energy label. In addition to the scale from A (highest efficiency) to G (lowest efficiency), the so-called EPREL energy labels contain information on energy consumption as well as a QR code that leads to a compilation of technical data on the respective lighting product in an online database.
If you have any questions regarding the labelling of our control cabinet luminaires with the EPREL energy label, please contact us by e-mail at EPREL@STEGO.DE.
STEGO Products are listed with EPLAN
EPLAN is electrical engineering design software, offering innovative options for the planning, documentation and management of electrical design projects. EPLAN can complete electrical design package by supporting interdisciplinary engineering work, from fluid and process engineering to harness and enclosure design. Not only electrical CAD software, EPLAN offers a range of consulting services including integration, process consultancy, standardisation and automation. On their Data Portal, users can access electronic product catalogues of numerous part manufacturers and transfer these parts to their EPLAN documentation via "drag&drop". STEGO products can also be found on the EPLAN data portal.
STEGO member of ZVEI
Since October 1st, 2013 STEGO Elektrotechnik GmbH is member of the ZVEI. The ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. = Central Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industry) with roughly 1,600 members represents the interests of the electrical industry in Germany on a national, European and international level.

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